Dabble Makers Guide | Alcohol-Free DIY Setting Spray
Dabble Makers Guide | Alcohol-Free DIY Setting Spray

Are you tired of makeup setting sprays that leave your skin feeling dry and irritated due to alcohol content? It's time to make the switch to an alcohol-free DIY setting spray. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the world of gentle, non-alcoholic fixatives, empowering you to create your own customized setting spray that keeps your makeup in place without the harsh effects of alcohol.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding the Role of Alcohol in Setting Sprays
  3. Benefits of Alcohol-Free Setting Sprays
  4. A. Gentle on the Skin
  5. B. Hydrating and Nourishing
  6. C. Suitable for Sensitive Skin
  7. Choosing the Right Ingredients
  8. A. Base Liquids
  9. B. Hydrating Agents
  10. C. Soothing Additions
  11. DIY Alcohol-Free Setting Spray Recipes
  12. A. Refreshing Rosewater Elixir
  13. B. Aloe and Lavender Soothe
  14. C. Cucumber and Mint Reviver
  15. FAQs: Your Questions Answered
  16. Conclusion


A setting spray is the final touch that keeps your makeup in place, but not all setting sprays are created equal. If you've experienced the drying and irritating effects of alcohol-based personalized setting sprays, it's time to explore the world of alcohol-free alternatives.

Understanding the Role of Alcohol in Setting Sprays

  1. Evaporation: Alcohol is often used in setting sprays because it evaporates quickly, helping to set makeup.
  2. Astringent Properties: It can temporarily tighten the skin, providing a matte finish.

However, alcohol can be harsh on the skin, leading to dryness and irritation, especially for those with sensitive skin. Let's discover the benefits of alcohol-free setting sprays.

Benefits of Alcohol-Free Setting Sprays

A. Gentle on the Skin

  1. No Drying Effects: Alcohol-free formulas won't strip your skin of its natural moisture.
  2. Reduced Irritation: Ideal for those with sensitive or dry skin, as it won't cause stinging or burning sensations.

B. Hydrating and Nourishing

  1. Added Moisture: Many alcohol-free setting sprays incorporate hydrating ingredients to keep your skin supple.
  2. Nourishment: Some formulas include vitamins and antioxidants that benefit your skin.

C. Suitable for Sensitive Skin

  1. Less Likely to Trigger Allergies: Alcohol-free sprays are less likely to cause allergic reactions or redness.

Now that you understand the advantages, let's delve into choosing the right ingredients.

Choosing the Right Ingredients

A. Base Liquids

  1. Distilled Water: Provides a neutral base for your setting spray.
  2. Rosewater: Offers a delicate scent and added skin benefits.

B. Hydrating Agents

  1. Aloe Vera Gel: Known for its soothing and hydrating properties.
  2. Glycerin: Locks in moisture, creating a dewy finish.

C. Soothing Additions

  1. Chamomile Extract: Calms irritated skin and adds a gentle fragrance.
  2. Cucumber Extract: Refreshes and revitalizes your complexion.

Now, let's create your own alcohol-free DIY setting spray with three delightful recipes.

A Closer Look Dabble Makers Guide | Crafting Your Homemade Setting Spray

DIY Alcohol-Free Setting Spray Recipes

A. Refreshing Rosewater Elixir


  • 1/2 cup distilled water
  • 2 tablespoons rosewater
  • 1 tablespoon glycerin

B. Aloe and Lavender Soothe


  • 1/2 cup distilled water
  • 2 tablespoons aloe vera gel
  • 5-6 drops lavender essential oil

C. Cucumber and Mint Reviver


  • 1/2 cup distilled water
  • 1 tablespoon cucumber extract
  • 3-4 drops peppermint essential oil

Now that you have your customized alcohol-free setting spray, let's address some frequently asked questions.

FAQs: Your Questions Answered

1. Can alcohol-free setting sprays really hold makeup in place?

Yes, they can! Alcohol-free setting sprays use alternative ingredients like glycerin to set your makeup effectively without the harsh effects of alcohol.

2. Are alcohol-free setting sprays suitable for oily skin?

Absolutely. In fact, alcohol-free setting sprays are often more suitable for oily skin types as they won't strip away moisture, potentially causing the skin to produce more oil.

3. Can I use alcohol-free setting sprays on sensitive or acne-prone skin?

Yes, alcohol-free setting sprays are generally a safer choice for sensitive or acne-prone skin since they are less likely to cause irritation or breakouts.


Your makeup deserves the best, and an alcohol-free DIY setting spray is just that. By embracing the benefits of alcohol-free alternatives and creating your own customized setting spray, you can enjoy makeup that stays in place without the drying or irritating effects of alcohol. Say goodbye to makeup mishaps and hello to a radiant, hydrated, and flawless look that lasts all day with your very own alcohol-free setting spray.

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